This week we are celebrating Linlithgow’s volunteers during Volunteer Week. Linlithgow Community Development Trust would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers in our town. Linlithgow is full of amazing local groups run by volunteers, over 120 the last time we checked!
There are groups covering sports, the arts, children’s activities, gardening, the community and many more. These groups only exist thanks to the people who volunteer their time and put in the effort to make them happen. There are not enough words to describe how amazing your dedication and generosity is, but this is a chance for us to say thank you for what you do. We are sharing just a few examples of the local community groups who would like to say thanks to their volunteers.
Linlithgow Coronavirus Support
Linlithgow Coronavirus Support has over 100 volunteers engaged in practical tasks such as shopping and collecting prescriptions, but also phone support and befriending. We have a small team of coordinators who are the first line of contact with clients; they find and brief a volunteer to meet each request, and remain in contact with the client to ensure they know what is happening.
For shopping requests, the volunteer pays up front and is reimbursed; we then discuss repayment with the client. With the support of a local business, we’re able to offer card payment by phone as an option alongside bank transfer and payment by cheque.
Demand is steady but thankfully not overwhelming. Feedback has been excellent: one satisfied client wants to nominate us all for MBEs! And she’s quite right: they’re a delightful bunch, ready and willing to go the extra mile. On behalf of all our clients, thank you!
1st Step
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Volunteers Week is a chance to say thanks to the volunteers that help us all in so many ways. This year, maybe more than ever, there’s a lot to thank them for! 1st Step‘s dedicated volunteers are making a huge difference to people in our local communities who need a helping hand at the moment.
Our new free food parcel service is now supporting over 100 people, and we’ve even heard that some folk are using the food we’ve delivered to make soup and pies for others in their neighbourhood. We have collected and delivered SO many bikes to key workers across West Lothian to keep them safe and healthy and be able to support us all. So the amazing work our volunteers do makes even more of a difference because it enables others to help each other too. Volunteers make things happen and get things done! THANK YOU.
Linlithgow Young People’s Project
Here at LYPP volunteers make our work happen. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer the range of activities we do especially around drop-ins, holiday programmes and mentoring.
All our work is built on forming good relationships with young people and that takes time – something our volunteers freely give. So to those who volunteer, on behalf of the LYPP staff and the hundreds of young people we interact with – THANK YOU!
Linlithgow Burgh Trust
Linlithgow Burgh Trust includes Burgh Beautiful, with around 120 volunteers involved in various activities in and around the town. Apart from the floral displays, there are regular litter-picks. We also do tree planting, pictured here in Triangle Wood near the Leisure Centre, and in Rosemount Park.
Our other branch, the Civic Trust, produces regular planning forum contributions. The LBT itself is responsible for the popular Black Bitch sculpture in the High Street. All this is done by volunteers, and we’d like to say a big Thank You to all!
Linlithgow Amateur Musical Productions
2nd Linlithgow Boys Brigade
2nd Linlithgow Boys Brigade is one of the largest companies in West Lothian. During lockdown we were unable to meet, but our leaders and helpers kept things running throughout.
#BBatHome is a home programme that was developed and is sent out to the boys on a weekly basis with lots of fun activities. Our Thursday sessions are now being run through Zoom until such times we can all meet again. This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the dedicated leaders and helpers – a huge thank you to you all!