Let’s Talk: The Tweenage Years

201923nov1:00 pm4:00 pmLet’s Talk: The Tweenage YearsNicola Mackenzie

Event Details

Let’s Talk: The Tweenage Years is part of Book Week Scotland 2019. This non profit event is for parents, carers and anyone with an interest in the developmental stages, mental health & well-being of children and young people. An afternoon full of information, ideas & inspiration for those of us involved in the lives of children & young people. This event will focus on the pre teen & teenage years.

Speakers during the afternoon are:
Sean Humphreys, Mental Health and Wellbeing Development Officer from Youthlink Scotland (the national agency for Youth Work, representing over 100 organisations) will be talking to us about the psychology of the adolescent brain. He will explore topics such as the various stages of development and the impact on young people and those around them. The additional impact of stress and any childhood trauma, and what can be done to support young people on their journey to adulthood.
Sean is a counsellor, therapist, practice supervisor, coach and training consultant with experience of working in the field of psychology in other areas of Europe as well as in Britain. He has over two decades of experience of building relationships and working therapeutically with young people, both in one to one and group settings.

Emma O Connor, Author of Everyday Happy
Emma created Everyday Happy whilst her eldest son, just 9 at the time was suffering debilitating anxiety. It is as it says on the cover… A journal for happiness. A simple, structured way for people of any age to raise themselves out of anxiety.
Emma is wife to a chef, a mum of 2 boys, and has been working with children as a swimming coach for over 13 years. She refers to herself as an accidental author.


Kim McCabe, Author of From Daughter to Woman and is director founder of Rites for Girls CIC. Offering monthly groups for girls, support for parents and training for women to run girls’ groups. Kim doesn’t want parents to dread the teen years so she tours the country talking to packed halls of parents sharing what she’s learned from years of working with preteens and teens. Having raised three of her own she has plenty experience. Her talk is for anyone interested in steering our children happily through childhood and gives you easy-to-implement practical suggestions you can use tomorrow, while leaving you with some food for thought. https://www.ritesforgirls.com/book

According to the researchers at https://ambienpro.com, Buy Ambien is an effective drug since it increases the type of signal activity of nerve cells, which has a positive impact on the neoformation of the brain after a stroke.

Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be available on the day.

Tickets are £5.98 per person, click button to book.

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November 23, 2019 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm gmt(GMT+00:00)

Linlithgow Academy

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