Cycle September Bike Challenge
We know there are lots of keen cyclists in Linlithgow, many of whom we are grateful to for their support with the West Lothian Cycle Circuit project.
So as September is just around the corner, this week we are featuring the Love to Ride Cycle September Global Bike Challenge!

It’s all about joining thousands of people across the country (and around the world!) to enjoy the benefits of riding a bike.
You can ride anywhere, anytime during September. Just a 10 minute ride is enough to take part!
You can join as a:
- Individual
- Business
- Group
Individuals and workplaces will compete nationally and worldwide to earn the most points by riding, and encouraging others to do the same. The Groups section has been set up to encourage cycling advocacy and a bit of friendly competition between different groups across the local authority!
You can register at the Love To Ride website to take part where more information about cycling in West Lothian is also available.

Linlithgow is lucky to have lots of local cycling businesses to support you in your endeavours. These include Andy’s Bike Clinic, Elevation Cycles and Easy Go Electric Bikes, who we will be featuring in our Business Spotlights during September.

We also have 1st Step Bikes based in Linlithgow who are pleased to support Love to Ride Cycle September. They have provided the following tips and advice …
To make the most of your cycle ride please remember the following!
Bring with you:
- a puncture repair kit
- a spare inner tube
- tyre levers
- a pump.
Check that:
- your brakes work
- the cables are not frayed
- the brake blocks still have plenty of life left in them
- all your gears work (especially the lower ones, if the ride is over a hilly route!)
If you would like 1st Step Bikes to check your bike is safe and ready for Cycle September or any other journey we may be able to fit you in for a free Dr Bike check-up service. To see if we have availability please call us on 07869381382 or message us on Facebook.
Happy cycling from the team at 1st Step Bikes!
Community Cake – Fundraising
Are you part of a community group looking for support with fundraising? If so a reminder we are holding our next Community Cake event on Wednesday 2nd of September at 7.30pm via Zoom. It is focused on sharing funding opportunities and fundraising ideas to help groups support each other with gaining funding in the current climate.

Experienced fundraising consultants Ian Glassey and Alice Watson-Glassey ( will be in attendance to share their experiences and provide advice and suggestions.
If you would like to take part in this event, please email [email protected] to receive joining instructions.
Linlithgow Community Development Trust Board Update
We held our monthly board meeting last week and it is an exciting time for the Trust with lots of exciting plans for the future coming! We will be sharing a fuller update in the October edition of The Black Bitch Magazine.
The Board approved Chris Horne to be the formal representative of LCDT on the One Linlithgow BID Board. We are pleased to be working more closely with the BID on upcoming activities and strategies. We are also working with them on the My Linlithgow website to promote local businesses and bring more visitors to the town.
Linlithgow & Linlithgow Bridge Community Council Update

The Community Council were updated this week on the Spaces for People project. This work relates to temporary measures being introduced across West Lothian to make physical distancing easier when walking and cycling during Covid 19.
The introduction of new temporary speed limits has now commenced and will be completed in a phased approach.
A programme of vegetation clearance works on existing cyclepaths and footways has also begun. This maintenance work will involve cutting back both overhanging foliage and verges on key routes in order to improve path widths for walkers and cyclists.
These works are to be followed over the next few weeks with the introduction of physical distancing measures at some of the more heavily used bus stops and narrow footways within towns. The improvements will make it easier for users to social distance at pinch points.
Physical distancing signage, to remind people of the importance of social distancing, has been designed and arranged for town centres and villages. Signs will also start going up.
Various additional suggestions have been put forward to the Community Council about additional works. For example, extending the 20 mph zone from the rail bridge to the canal bridge on the Edinburgh Road. It was advised that several ideas have been put to highways to enhance the original plans.
The timetable for the proposed works has not been finalised. The primary factor affecting this is the inability of suppliers and contractors to react to the sudden demand for signage and other street hardware made by all Scottish local authorities
You can get in touch with the Community Council via their website or on Facebook.
Business Spotlight – Relax & Heel Reflexology
The last business in our series on Braehead Business Park is Relax & Heel Reflexology.
Jo-Anne Jamieson, who runs the business opened back up after lockdown in early August. She is following strict guidance on enhanced hygiene, PPE and other measures to ensure client and therapist safety. Jo-Anne is very pleased to be offering therapies again and has been busy since re-opening. So much so she is increasing opening hours from September to Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Jo-Anne supports health and wellbeing through the use of therapies such as clinical reflexology, massage and reiki, including women’s health and cancer care. She takes a holistic approach, which means all lifestyle factors are considered when creating individualised treatment plans for patients. She has also provided workplace wellness packages at businesses.
During lockdown Jo-Anne completed her degree in Integrative Healthcare, and plans to continue to Honours level, bringing many of her newly-learned skills to her clinic!
You can read more about Relax & Heel Reflexology in Issue 75 of The Black Bitch Magazine on page 6 or follow on Facebook.
Community Spotlight – Carers of West Lothian

Carers of West Lothian is a well-established voluntary organisation offering a range of services that have been developed specifically to meet the needs of carers and their families.
We are working remotely just now with all our support being over the phone and online. Contact details and support available can be found below.

We support unpaid carers, young carers and disabled adults living in West Lothian. Through our surveys and conversations with the people who use our service, a need for place-based support has been identified. This is because some people find it difficult to engage in our support based in Livingston, due to travel barriers as well as other factors.
The team are looking to find out more about what support carers in Linlithgow would like locally. As restrictions ease, we are keen to progress with further developing support in the town. LCDT Community Co-ordinator, Pamela Barnes, is in contact with Carers of West Lothian and can pass on your feedback. If you have any issues or ideas you would like to raise, please share them with Pamela at [email protected] or on 07981 922490.
You can follow Carers of West Lothian on Facebook and find out more on their website.
Latest Covid-19 Guidance
Scotland moved to Phase 3 of the route map for coming out of lockdown on the 10 July 2020. See some key dates for future changes.
The current advice from the Scottish Government to stay safe, protect others, save lives is:
- wear a face covering
- avoid crowded places
- clean hands and surfaces regularly
- stay 2m away from other people
- self-isolate and book a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms
See what you can and cannot do to help suppress the virus.
Many thanks to everyone who has been so vigilant in following these procedures already. This will help to keep our community safe.