Men-tal Health Talk

202001mar3:30 pm4:30 pmMen-tal Health TalkLifeHeal Linlithgow

Event Details

We are very passionate about supporting everyone in our community, and that includes men. This is a topic we see coming up daily in our clinics and one that we feel we can help with. We are delighted to be holding a “Men-Tal Health” talk. We will be having regular meet-ups which will be hosted by three amazing men – Erica’s partner Alex, Greg & young Sam.

Click button to book tickets. £3

I can describe my symptoms. They are almost complete lack of sleep, constant nervousness, often aggravated by the tremor of hands, head, increased heartbeat, anxiety, generally unpleasant, uncomfortable and Buy Ativan morally killing me.

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March 1, 2020 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm gmt(GMT+00:00)

LifeHeal Linlithgow