John Hudson is a man who knows what it takes to survive. He joins us to share his insights and help us come out of the current crisis stronger and wiser.
With first-hand experience surviving in some of the most dangerous places on Earth, from the depths of a jungle cenote to the top of a stormy Alaskan glacier, and with twenty years of studying the choices people have made under pressure, John Hudson is the UK’s foremost expert on surviving in the extreme world.
But life-changing moments can happen at any time and anywhere. They might creep up on us gradually, but, as we’ve seen with the current pandemic, it can be no less of a shock when the realization comes.
In this free, live-streamed In Conversation event, John will provide the key elements needed for us to cope with a pandemic – how to prepare rather than panic. From understanding that mindset is key and staying informed and make the right decisions, to practical advice on how to know your enemy, and defend your vulnerabilities, this event offers the perfect guide for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently facing, and how to come out of self-isolation stronger and wiser.