This is a fundraising event for the open garden charity Scotland’s Gardens Scheme which raises money for hundreds of local charities.
Located at – 48 Friars Brae, Linlithgow EH49 6BG
Dr Ian Wallace
T:01506 845700 E:[email protected]
Current Openings: Sunday 12 June, 2pm – 5pm (2022) Admission £5.00, children free.
Nominated charity: Also referred to as The Priory of Scotland of the Order of St John/The Priory of Scotland of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem 60%.
Description: Mature two-acre garden with lovely mixed herbaceous, rose, and tree planting.
Directions: From the west end of the High Street turn into Preston Road, after crossing the canal turn left into Priory Road and at the T junction turn left down Friars Brae. There is car parking available.