Linlithgow Friends Social Group
Linlithgow Friends social group is for age 60 plus and is run by OPAL Cyrenians. This informal and welcoming group offers a chance for older people to get together for a chat and weekly catch-up. We also take part in activities such as games and quizzes. There are regular talks and entertainers. Recent groups have had talks on local history, legal advice for older people and vintage cinema. Games include things like indoor curling, quoits, memory games and a murder mystery game. The group can decide itself what activities they'd like to have week-to-week. No preregistration is needed - you just turn up on the day. Attendance is just £1 and this money is used to cover any entertainment costs and fund occasional outings (chosen by the group).
When and Where do you meet?
Linlithgow friends social group is at Longcroft Hall and is Every Thursday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Why would someone be interested in getting involved?
The group offers a chance for socially isolated people to reconnect with the community. This group is also a chance to make new friends and most importantly have fun!