Low Port Out of School Club
LPOOSC SCIO is an independent registered charity run by a qualified and committed staff team and managed by a trustee group of parent volunteers. We provide excellent breakfast and after-school care for children attending Low Port Primary School, and a holiday club for children from Linlithgow and the surrounding areas.
When and where do you meet?
The club is based at Low Port Primary School and benefits from the space of the Zone, general-purpose room and regular use of the school hall. The team promotes playwork principles and embraces the benefits of outdoor play through the use of the extensive school green areas and the surrounding Linlithgow Peel. Breakfast Club runs Mon to Fri from 7:45 am to 8:50 am. After School Club times are Monday to Thursday 3:20 pm - 6:00 pm and on a Friday 12:25 pm - 6:00 pm
Why would I be interested in getting involved?
The club can care for up to 56 children per session. Children attending on a Friday afternoon benefit from local trips and activities. Our popular holiday club is also favourite with the children due to our fun-packed and varied activity programme.