Linlithgow Burgh Trust
Linlithgow Burgh Trust was set up as a SCIO (a Scottish charity and an incorporated body) to replace Linlithgow Civic Trust (established in 1971) which was an unincorporated organisation. The Trust’s purposes are to promote, for the public benefit. The advancement of environmental protection and improvement, the advancement of heritage and the arts and the advancement of community development and citizenship in Linlithgow. Linlithgow Burgh Trust includes two main operational groups: Linlithgow Civic Trust and Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow.
Linlithgow Civic Trust aims to encourage the conservation of the town's built and natural heritage. It makes its views known on planning applications and development proposals likely to have a significant impact on the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow. An annual programme of social and other events is organised. This includes illustrated talks, visits and excursions to places of interest, and a members' discussion evening.
Burgh Beautiful is an environmental campaign with the aim of maintaining and improving the local environment. We enter the Britain in Bloom competition. Also, more than 90 volunteers look after planting and hanging baskets throughout Linlithgow. Linlithgow Floral Trails and Inviting Gardens encourage people to enjoy Linlithgow's horticulture.
When and where do you meet?
We have lots of events and activities which take place. Please check our website or the what's on section of the mylinlithgow website.
Why would I be interested in getting involved?
By becoming a Member of Linlithgow Burgh Trust you are helping us to make our town a better place. Members receive a newsletter three times per year and can participate in events organised by Linlithgow Civic Trust and Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow. Members can become actively involved by becoming a Trustee of the charity, by serving on LBT's committees and working groups, through helping to organise Linlithgow Civic Trust events or by assisting Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow with planting, maintenance, sales and many other activities. Annual Membership fee is £10.