Linlithgow Sports Podiatry & Chiropody Clinic
Linlithgow Sports Podiatry & Chiropody Clinic. Podiatry is the diagnosis and treatment by podiatrists of diseases and other disorders of the feet. Podiatrists are highly skilled health professionals who have been trained to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate abnormal conditions of the feet. Podiatrists also prevent and correct deformity, keep people mobile and active, relieve pain.
A Sports podiatrist will assess and manage the podiatry needs of the sportsperson. The Podiatrist may carry out a physical biomechanical assessment. This looks at the way the bones, muscles, and associated structures such as tendons are aligned and interact. The Podiatrist may also look at factors such as stability, body posture and other musculoskeletal factors. The Podiatrist will take into account the type of sport and provide advice on what the patient can do for themselves, such as stretching and strengthening exercises.