Little Paws dog training club is for children aged 7-15.
The children learn to teach their family friendly dog basic obedience behaviours like ‘Come’ ‘Sit’ & ‘Stay’ as well as teaching cool tricks & fun agility. The sense of achievement the children feel each week as they work their way through their illustrated training workbooks is immense. Every child leaves with a huge smile on their face.
Over the course of several terms they grow in ability from beginners, through novice to advanced.
Rewarded with badges.
In partnership with their dogs, the children learn to put together routines.
Little Paws Club sessions last for 1 hour & run in blocks of 10 week terms.
A 10 week term costs £75 payable in advance at the time of booking.
Wednesday’s, Linlithgow Rugby Club 6.30-7.30pm